Alumni Projects - cover image

Photo: AlumNode Projects "Breaking the STEM Gap in Rural Africa"

Alumni Projects by AlumNode Members

From Connecting Arts & Mathematics to Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM

Interdisciplinary Collaborations

AlumNode is all about networking and realizing our communities’ full potential. During our events, we encourage our members to connect, exchange and develop ideas together. During the open call for AlumNode Project Funding, you can apply and receive up to 6.000€ for your joint project. The only prerequisite: you have to realize the project with another AlumNode member. If your project is selected to receive AlumNode Project Funding, you will have the opportunity to present your results and share your experience with the community.

Find out more about the projects that received AlumNode Project Funding in the column on the right.

Pankaj Paranwal, Project Leader "eVidya" Pankaj Paranwal, Project Leader "eVidya"

 Funding Period 2019/2020

"Doing good, valuable and impactful research requires a lot of time, effort and dedication. By removing financial constraints and providing constant mentoring and feedback, AlumNode has provided a sweet spot for young researchers like me where we can focus on doing quality, meaningful research instead of worrying about the financial constraints or not having anyone to talk to about our progress."

Pankaj Baranwal and his team collaborated with the Bal Vikas Montessori School, a community-run school in India to find out the effects, impact and feasibility of introducing interactive e-learning courses in the curriculum at elementary level of education.