You are a doctoral researcher or postdoc and have questions about career planning – in or outside academia? Then join a free webinar for young scientists, co-hosted by our alumna Iris Köhler on Tuesday, June 28th, 5 pm to 6:30 pm.

Open career workshop for young scientists!

Tuesday, June 28th, 5 pm to 6:30 pm

You are a doctoral researcher or postdoc and have questions about – in or outside academia? Then Iris & Mareike us for their next open career workshop for young scientists!

The workshop takes place online in Zoom on Tuesday, June 28th, 5 pm to 6:30 pm. The focus topic is jobapplications within and outside academia.


What can you get out if it?

The open career workshop is free of charge and offers you the opportunity to
❓ ask all your questions about career planning,
💡get helpful advice on how to plan your career,
🌐grow your network,
👥 learn from and exchange your experiences with your peers.

Who’s offering the workshop?  PD Dr. Mareike Menne and Dr. Iris Köhler, have many years of experience in consulting and coaching young scientists. Due to our different scientific backgrounds, they welcome young scientists from the humanities as well as from the naturalsciences in this workshop!

Regiser now

How can you take part? Please register here:
The workshop will take place in German and/or English as required. Participation is free of charge!