July 24, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog: Can Machine Learning Help Us Build an Animal Translator?

Check out the new blog article by Andrei Mihai, where he examines the potential of AI and machine learning in helping us communicate with animals.  Read more...
July 10, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog: A Puzzling Square

Check out the new blog article by Katie Steckles, where she looks at an ingenious solution to a curious mathematics puzzle.  Read more...
July 3, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog: The Internet Chronicles – Part 1 of 12: The Vision That Started It All

Check out the new series in the HLFF Blog by Andrei Mihai, where he chronicles key moments and achievements in the history of the internet.  Read more...
June 26, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog: On Trial - P versus NP and the Complexity of Complexity

Check out the new blog article by Benjamin Skuse, where he looks at some of the underlying issues of the P versus NP problem.  Read more...
June 19, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog : Agriculture 5.0 - Combating Weeds Using Machine Learning and Robotics

Check out the new blog article by Andrei Mihai, where he looks at new developments in AI and robotics-assisted agriculture practices.  Read more...
May 29, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog: Who Wants to Be Normal?

Check out the new blog article by Katie Steckles, where she looks at some of the various ways in which mathematics uses the term normal.  Read more...
May 28, 2024 | Job Offer

Open PhD Position at Integreat - Norwegian Center of Excellence

AlumNode Community Member Elisabeth Wetzer has a PhD fellow offer, please share!  Read more...
May 23, 2024 | Coffee Break

AlumNode Coffee Break: Managing Emotions with Emanuele Martinuzzi

Join us for our next coffee break on managing emotions and meet alumnus Emanuele Martinuzzi, a mathematician and coach who advocates for the role of emotional intelligence.  Read more...
May 13, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog: Sci-Me! – A Science-Themed Board Game

Check out the new entry in our HLFF Blog series HLFF Spotlight: Alumni in Action, where we look at a science-themed board game developed by one of our alumni.  Read more...
May 1, 2024 | HLFF Blog

HLFF Blog: June Huh, Combinatorics, and the Strange Allure of Chess Knight Problems

Check out the new HLFF Blog article by Andrei Mihai where he looks at the strange and interesting problem that helped spark 2022 Fields Medalist June Huh’s interest in mathematics.  Read more...
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