Dec. 7, 2022

HLFF Blog Post: Maths on a Plate

Check out the new post on our blog from Katie Steckles, where she explores the geometry found within an ordinary breakfast plate!  Read more...
Dec. 2, 2022

HLFF Blog Post: How Gamified AI Outperforms Humans and Previous Algorithms in Multiplying Matrices

From the game of Go to matrix multiplication – Alpha has grown quite a lot.  Read more...
Nov. 28, 2022

HLFF Blog Post: From Modern to Quantum Cryptography in 30 Minutes

Check out the HLFF Blog post on the origins and evolution of cryptographic methods.  Read more...
Nov. 23, 2022

Open Call: NRW-Rückkehrprogramm

Mit dem NRW-Rückkehrprogramm können junge Wissenschaftler*innen an einer Universität in NRW eine Nachwuchsgruppe aufbauen. Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an Forschende aus dem Themenfeld Quantentechnologien. Jetzt bis zum 11. Januar 2023 bewerben!  Read more...
Nov. 22, 2022

HLFF Blog Post: Jack Dongarra – A Not So Simple Matter of Software

Check out the HLFF Blog post on Turing Award recipient Jack Dongarra’s lecture at the 9th HLF.  Read more...
Nov. 16, 2022

HLFF Spotlight: Alumni in Action – Digital Literacy and Empowerment – Pankaj Baranwal

Check out the new post in our series HLFF Spotlight: Alumni in Action featuring Pankaj Baranwal where he talks about his digital literacy start-up eVidya.  Read more...
Nov. 16, 2022

HLFF Blog Post: The Imitation Game: Turing and Beyond

Check out the HLFF Blog post on the nature and applications of imitation games.  Read more...
Nov. 15, 2022

Open Call for the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Calling Outstanding Young Researchers in Mathematics and Computer Science - Apply Now for the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), September 24–29, 2023! The application phase runs from November 11, 2022 until February 11, 2023.  Read more...
Nov. 2, 2022

How to Keep Secrets in a Post-Quantum World

Check out the new HLFF Blog article, which looks at the consequences for encryption in a world of quantum computing.  Read more...
Oct. 26, 2022

HLFF Blog Post: A Hot, Hot Topic Hits the Stage at #HLF22: Deep Learning

Check out the HLFF Blog post on the #HLF22 Hot Topic panel “Deep Learning – Applications and Implications.”  Read more...
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