In our next (virtual) coffee break we will tackle #grantwriting! Get to know each other and join us for an informal exchange with AlumNode members Joanna and Christoph - both are group leaders and will share their advice and experiences when it comes to grant writing.

After a quick speed meeting session, we will talk to AlumNode members Joanna, Leadership Academy Alumna, and Christoph who is a Klaus Tschira Boost Fund Fellow. Both researchers are group leaders and have successfully applied for grants and fellowships.

  • What do they wish someone had told them at an earlier stage of their career and what have they learned along the way?
  • What's important when you want to get your scientific story across?
  • How do reviewers tick and what are general Do's and Don'ts in Grant writing?

You will also get the chance to chat with them in two breakout rooms and then share your learnings and experiences in the plenum.

Join the event by logging in and registering for the event under the event page.