Check out the new post in our series HLFF Spotlight: Alumni in Action featuring Pankaj Baranwal where he talks about his digital literacy start-up eVidya.

This week at the HLFF Blog, we are featuring another installment of our long-running Spotlight series. The HLFF’s Nikolas Mariani sat down with Pankaj Baranwal, an HLF alumnus and AlumNode community member who went on to found multiple educational start-ups, including the digital literacy non-profit ‘eVidya’. Pankaj sat down with us to talk about his experiences at the HLF, the connections he made, and how these events led to him founding his start-ups. He tells us about his inspiration for developing eVidya, the impact the project has already had, as well what drives his passion for his work. Check out the full article here:

HLF Blog