Welcome to 2023! Did you do a review of 2022, and did you notice that you had (maybe as in previous years) more stress, published less, and written fewer grants than you thought you could have or should have done? Fret not โ€“ you're not alone.

The new year is almost 2 weeks old and we had a motivating start. A new year is also a good opportunity to focus on new goals and ideas. ๐Ÿš€
But everyone knows that in some phases it is difficult to concentrate or you do not manage all the planned tasks because you were distracted. Our LSA 5 Fellows (Josefine, Julian, Martin, and Nicola) also know the problem and have written down some experiences about their collaborative deep work practice. Read their blog post about do's and don'ts when getting into focused and deep work.๐Ÿ’ก