Check out the new HLFF Blog article by Benjamin Skuse, where he looks at Bảo Châu Ngô’s (Fields Medal – 2010) lecture on the Galois group at the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.

Throughout history, few mathematicians could claim as profound and long-lasting an impact on mathematics as Évariste Galois made in his 20 years on Earth, argued Bảo Châu Ngô at the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum. In his latest article on the HLFF Blog, mathematician Ben Skuse captures the essence of Ngô’s lecture, which emphasized the enduring significance of the Galois group as a powerful framework for understanding mathematical structures.

Check out the article here: HLFF Blog

Image caption: Fields Medalist Bảo Châu Ngô at the 11th HLF. Image credits: HLFF / Flemming.