Check out the new HLFF Blog article by Andrei Mihai, where he looks at various methods for mathematics science communication as discussed at a panel at the 11th Heidelberg Laureate Forum.

From vaccines to climate change, misleading narratives can undermine public health and destabilize societies. In this context, clear and accurate communication by scientists is crucial – but it's not always easy. This is particularly the case when it comes to science communication related to mathematics. At the 11th HLF, a panel of experts explored the various avenues by which mathematics can be made can be made more tangible, accessible, and engaging for broader audiences. Andrei Mihai looks more closely at the topics discussed in the panel in his latest article on the HLFF Blog.

Check out the article here: HLFF Blog

Image caption: A representation of a Klein bottle (not from the panel). Image credits: HLFF