While finding the right career path can be challenging, there’s often no turning back once you discover a pursuit that sustains you and fills you with purpose. Slowing down and tuning into your thoughts are great places to start.

By Marina Khidekel, Head of Content Development at Thrive Global

Here is only one out of 10 ideas that might inspire you how to shape your career path:

Dedicate your time to others

“According to African traditions, we’re born with a purpose. Children’s names are codes that carry theirs. Each time they’re called, they remember it. I ‘remembered’ mine when I was about 14, studying meditation and spirituality. I fell in love with helping people find their ability to transform. I’ve done this as a professor supporting students’ academic growth, as a yoga teacher encouraging someone to reach a little more, and as an author shedding light on a path through self-doubt. Our purpose is our superpower, shining through everything we do. Fortunately, mine matches my name.”

—Dr. Sandra Y. Lewis, author, clinical psychologist, Montclair, NJ"

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