April 22, 2020

EuroSTEMPeers Virtual Meeting for Early Career Researchers

Join the EuroSTEMPeers Virtual Meeting on the 16th, May Saturday between 2P.M and 5.PM CET for some exciting talks and discussions!  Read more...
April 21, 2020

Webinar and resources on mental health strategies for junior researchers

A webinar on mental health strategies for junior researchers, created by the Mental Health Working Group of the Leibniz PhD Network with 3 wonderful guest speakers (Desiree Dickerson, Hendrik Huthoff and Nicola Byrom).  Read more...
April 14, 2020

Calling for Applications: "Green Talents" is looking for international scientists and young professionals

International post docs, scientists and young professionals can apply for a research stay in Germany in 2021 and a science forum on sustainability.  Read more...
March 30, 2020

Science-ing at home

As universities close down, heads of life-science laboratories are having to quickly shutter labs, wind down experiments and make contingency plans for maintaining research organisms and cell lines. An investigation and general advice by "nature" magazine.  Read more...
March 25, 2020

PhD Career Stories

A Podcast for people interested in career possibilities after a PhD.  Read more...
March 17, 2020

A year without conferences? How the coronavirus pandemic could change research

As scientific meetings worldwide are cancelled (including our AlumNode Get-Together) researchers are rethinking how they network — a move that some say is long overdue.  Read more...
March 10, 2020

7 Essential Tips for Working From Home

Many institues, universities, or companies are now switchting to work-from-home policies. That means lots of us are dealing with an unusual challenge: working from home for the first time, full-time.  Read more...
March 6, 2020

Junior Research Groups in Germany

The Returning Scientists Programme will open the door for you to set up and lead an independent junior research team at a university in NRW.  You will receive a personal financial commitment of up to 1.25 million euros for a period of five years and enter into negotiations with universities of your choice.  Read more...
Feb. 27, 2020

Ten Simple Rules to becoming a principal investigator

The biggest choke point in an academic career is going from postdoc to principal investigator (PI): moving from doing someone else’s research to getting other people to do yours. How can researchers get there?  Read more...
Jan. 29, 2020

The Institute for Advanced Sustainability (IASS ) calls for application for the Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship

Deadline 24 February 2020: The IASS addresses highly talented young early to mid-career professionals from Germany or abroad, who have worked for at least ten years on sustainability issues and have the potential to serve as change agents towards sustainable development.  Read more...
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