Jan. 29, 2020

The Institute for Advanced Sustainability (IASS ) calls for application for the Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellowship

Deadline 24 February 2020: The IASS addresses highly talented young early to mid-career professionals from Germany or abroad, who have worked for at least ten years on sustainability issues and have the potential to serve as change agents towards sustainable development.  Read more...
Jan. 28, 2020

"Research Universities Are a Wasted Resource". A comment by Amber Miller

"We need to show the world what an incredible resource we can offer for solving today's complex problems", claims Amber Miller about the power of reserachers. Her comment describes how the image of universities has changed and what knowledge of academia can bring to the public.  Read more...
Jan. 23, 2020

Secrets to writing a winning grant

Scientists reveal how to avoid application pitfalls to submit successful proposals. The "Nature Career Future" article gives advice on what to keep in mind when applying for a grant.  Read more...
Jan. 22, 2020

climapAfrica: Climate Research for Alumni and Postdocs in Africa

Application Deadline: 16 February 2020. The goal is to foster application- oriented research results by enhancing knowledge exchange between postdoctoral fellows in Africa and experienced alumni of German funding initiatives.  Read more...
Jan. 16, 2020

Call for applications: Managing Global Governance (MGG) Academy 2020

Apply until 1 March 2020 for the (MGG) Academy, which brings together participants from rising powers of the South and from Europe to participate in a dialogue and advanced training programme.  Read more...
Jan. 14, 2020

Free workshop "Communicate Your Research" in Berlin. Apply now!

Twitter, blogs, Facebook, Ted Talks – science communication has become an integral part of academic life. Torsten's and Anna-Sophie's workshop will help researchers to communicate research effectively beyond the academic community.  Read more...
Dec. 10, 2019

Open call: "KlarText" Award for Science Communication

Answering the question "What did you actually do in your dissertation?", STEM scientists can submit papers in German about their doctoral thesis.  Read more...
Nov. 27, 2019

Why walking helps us think

In times of rush and sitting around in the office most of of our (precious) time, Ferris Jabr from the New York Times suggests to just take a walk.  Read more...
Nov. 19, 2019

Free webinar on "Medical Writing" and "Science Communication"

Join the free GSO (German Scholars Organization) webinars on 25 and 26 November on "Medical Writing" and "Science Communication". Register now!  Read more...
Nov. 14, 2019

Apply now for the 8th HLF: Calling outstanding young researchers in mathematics and computer science!

Young researchers in computer science and mathematics from all over the world can apply for one of the 200 coveted spots to participate in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), an annual networking event. The HLF offers all accepted young researchers the great opportunity to personally interact with the laureates of the most prestigious prizes in the fields of mathematics and computer science.  Read more...
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